Netflix Holiday House and our charcuterie demo and grazing table!
Christmas celebrations are full-on, especially in bigger companies organising Christmas dinners and events for their employees. Holiday parties are basically our everyday life now (and we love it)! We can’t even tell you how many Holiday events we’ve been a part of this year- we lost count some time ago and never managed to recount it all again… You could surely say that we’ve never felt a Holiday spirit as much as we do this year. Among all the holiday parties and Christmas dinners, there was an event that we’re going to remember forever for sure, one that created a particularly memorable impression and we still can’t believe we were given a chance to be a part of it. Our social media followers probably already know what we’re talking about as we were posting like crazy after the event… We’re over the moon and super proud to say we were part of a Netflix Holiday House. And this time, when we say “we”, we don’t only mean our charcuterie and grazing tables. WE, the Luxe Bites team, played our part in front of guests and cameras! We guess you can call us superstars now…
The Netflix events team reached out to us some time ago introducing their idea and asking if we would be up for being a part of it. The Holiday House was an interactive experience of a house where guests, including influencers and creators, were able to take part in different activities prepared for them in every room. The whole event was organised to celebrate Netflix’s holiday film releases (by the way, “The Boy Called Christmas” is honestly one of the best Holiday movies ever). All the rooms had a different theme however they were all related to the theme of a holiday home.

So what was our team doing there? It comes as no surprise that our Luxe Bites LA stand was, of course, located in the kitchen where all the charcuterie magic happened. Apart from preparing a Holiday-themed grazing table on the kitchen island (oh, how much we love them!) full of fresh cheeses, meats, fruits and crackers, we actually had more important things to do! The team at Netflix asked us to prepare two demonstrations of preparing a charcuterie board from scratch. Cherie, our charcuterie expert who was the one presenting everything to the guests, explained all they needed to know about products and boards that are the best to create a charcuterie board. She went through the whole process step-by-step and gave some useful tips that only a person who specialises in charcuterie might give. Apart from the demos, we also prepared short information about cheeses and products that are, from our experience, the best choice for charcuterie boards. This was printed out and given out to the guests at the event.
Overall, the whole experience was probably one of the most exciting ones in our careers and definitely an unforgettable one. You can’t even imagine how proud we were to present our work and share our knowledge in front of so many guests. And the Holiday House, in general, was something simply breathtaking and absolutely gorgeous. Thank you, Netflix for having us and who knows… Maybe next year our charcuterie will actually star in one of the Holiday movies ;-)